Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sumo, baby, Sumo

YES!!!! A random picture of sumo wrestlers! And definately not anyone in cheap plastic, foam, vinyl suits but real squatting, thudding sumo wrestlers.

I heard recently that there was a controversy in Japan regarding sumo wrestling. It seems that some people are upset regarding the influx of foreign (non-Japanese) wrestlers. That some of the top spots of this traditional Japanese sport are being captured by Westerners (primarily, Europeans, I believe). I thought this sounded interesting since the WWF isn't experiencing a grand showing of Asian wrestlers... yet. We'll see what happens.

In other news..... Greek has three genders. Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. That's "neuter," not "neuter-ed," like I've made the mistake of refering to in Greek class. It's not that it use to be masculine, but then it was neutered. I should have stuck with sumo?

So do you think sumo will ever open up a female weight class? I doubted it, but was surprised to find that women sumo is actually gaining momentum since World War II when women substituted for men.

The average height of a sumo wrestler is 6 feet and the average weight is 326 pounds. The extreme is Akebono, with a height of 6'8" and weighing 516 pounds. Sumos also have a life expectancy to age 65. The average Japanese male lives to about 75 years.

Become a Sumo Wrestler: (or exercise/eat like one)

For more info on the history of Sumo:


Anonymous said...

All I can say is RANDOM. No wonder our conversations go where they do!

"They shouted for joy and fell facedown." Lev 9:24 said...

Hey, Thanks for praying for me.. What is your Email or screen name? Mine is I'd like to talk with you sometime :) Thanks..